Price Analysis for H&M & Shein

Analysis of Price for the Activewear Segment using Web Scraping Techniques in Tableau for the 'Fast Fashion' Industry.

Segmentation Analysis

RFM Segmentation Analysis Exercise in Tableau for the Retail Industry.

Guadalajara Airport Sentiment Analysis

Ejercicio sobre los servicios y uso del aeropuerto internacional de la ciudad de Guadalajara. Se utilizó web scrapping de Twitter para conocer voz de sus usuarios.

Organizational Network Analysis

Communication and Influence Study Applied to an Organization of 800 People to Identify Informal Leaders, Organizational Silos, and Communication Quality. #ONA

Mexico National Team Roster 2022-2023

Analysis of the Players Called Up for the Mexican National Football Team in the World Cup (2022) and Post-World Cup (June 2023) under the Coaches Gerardo Martino, Diego Cocca, and Jaime Lozano. The players are represented in a network, where the node size indicates the frequency of their call-ups.

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